Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seriously, this ROCKS!

I’m tired, but not horribly sleep deprived. I’ve managed 3 showers in the last 2 1/2 weeks, but I don’t care. My daughter can gnaw at my boobs for hours at a time, and when she’s not nursing or sleeping, only wants to be held. It makes it hard to type. When she’s sleeping, I’m either trying to sleep myself, or getting something done around the apartment. Still feeling guilty about the list of thank you notes that is getting longer. But ya know, when I have a few minutes, the sink full of dirty dishes (or other household chore) needs attending. Or I'm trying to eat something. I admit to getting cookie crumbs in baby girl’s hair the other day, munching while nursing. I’m pleased with myself today because I managed to finish filling out the FMLA paperwork. Tomorrow’s goal is taking care of my insurance stuff. Adding baby girl to my plan, and making flex spending and dependent child care account decisions. (Hate the “use it or lose it” aspect of this.)

Ummm, newborns are really demanding. But I am so madly in love with her, and am drinking in her baby sweetness. Her skin is truly the softest thing I’ve ever felt. Her cheeks and belly are getting rounder. So smoochable! I can’t describe the feeling I get when she’s content with a full belly, and just gazes at me. I love being her mommy!

Oh, I know this post is all over the place, but it’s what I can manage right now. I will write the obligatory birth post when I can. BTW, I highly recommend the Itzbeen for new, sleep deprived moms.


Mo said...

: ) Beaming over here for you : )


The Steadfast Warrior said...

I know the all over the place feeling. It sticks around for awhile. I'm glad things are going well for you!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

It is wonderful to see you loving your girl.

Suggestion for babies who need to be held lots: babywearing. I prefer wraps, but slings can work too. There's a lot I can do around the house with one hand, but there are limits. said...

I am glad that you are loving it so!

Many hugs to you and baby girl!

calliope said...

you sound exhaustedly elated!! I am beaming for you. and, ahem...more photos please???

Kristin said...

Do you have a sling or a Baby Bjorn? My Baby Bjorn was a lifesaver.

I am so thrilled your girl is making you so happy. Yay.

If I ever manage to get it packaged up, I have her present done.

Leah said...

I would highly suggest baby wearing too. I have a moby wrap ( and you should definitely get one. She will sleep and you can get things done!! I promise that it will make your life easier.

Beautiful Mess said...

Awww how sweet! Enjoy that precious baby of yours! The dishes can wait, as can the laundry, but those cheeks? No way can THEY wait! I'm so happy for BOTH of you!

Magpie said...

Another sling idea:

I loved mine.

Bella said...

So happy for you both!! :) Enjoy!!

Genkicat said...

I'm so happy for you both!

Billy said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear how well things are going. You sound so happy! And I am so happy for you!

Eva said...

How wonderful for you. Congrats. xo And great new jazzy blog. You go, Mama!

Quiet Dreams said...

So happy for you. So, so, so happy. :)