Sunshine has been a bit of a demon lately. She’s digging her
heels in and testing her boundaries. It sucks! I’m now that mom — leaving
stores with a screaming preschooler; standing calmly next to her stroller while
she screams and puts her feet down on the pavement, so I can’t push the
stroller; counting to three, so she knows I mean business. Good thing I don’t
embarrass easily. She actually woke up at 2:30am recently and had a tantrum,
screaming for cookies. (Suffice it to say, she didn’t get any.)
Last night, in between tantrums, she played pretend with me.
Sunshine: Mommy, I da mommy and you da baby.
Me: Okay.
Sunshine: If you want someting, you don’t get it if you
scweam and cwy.
Me: (pouting) BUT I WANT IT!
Sunshine: If you scweam you get nutting.
Deceptively Adorable
Ha! Love the pretend play. Man, she's grown so much. Adorable, as always too :)
Hilarious! (ok, not the tantrums... those can try the patience of a saint) Ginny's latest line is "dis is not a toy!" in reference to just about anything in the house she knows she's not supposed to touch. Guess I've been saying that a lot lately.
So there with you. I am that women - the one with the screaming two kids. good luck, buy ear plugs and a BIG bottle of wine :)
Oh that's awesome!! At least that proves she's getting it!!
So cute how they pretend play!
[though my daughter the other day in the playground while she got on the swing and I was sitting on a bench, and yes, she was pretend playing being her cousin, called out to me from across the playground, with kids and mums in between - Daddy, come swing me! LOL]
And what a lovely little (big!) girl she is!
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