Friday, September 21, 2012


Tears again this morning when I saw that Mel had chosen my post for the Roundup. That was such a hard post to write. I have a whole bunch of posts partially written in my head, and several ideas jotted down in a draft, but I’ve been telling myself I need to write THIS post first. My readers are my friends, and I kind of feel like I’ve been lying by omission with posts about being exhausted and what a joy my daughter is (most of the time). Those things are true, but they aren’t a full picture.

Oh, I forgot to mention in my last post, re the suggestion about getting my vitamin D levels checked, I do get it checked somewhat regularly, but the comment was a good reminder to stay on top of it as the days get shorter and playground time dwindles.

Now maybe I can find the time to write about the “daddy” conversations Sunshine and I have been having, about still happily cosleeping with my toddler, about my minimalist attitude towards toys, about princesses and pretty, and so on. Any preferences as to what I should tackle first?

This morning Sunshine and I were watching a garbage truck from the window (are all toddlers somewhat fascinated by trucks?), when she gave me a big hug and said, “I love you so much, Mommy!” My back hurts, but my heart is full.


Tiara said...

I am very interested in the posts you mentioned!! You are one of the SMCs that made me feel more confident in my decision to co-sleep & I am so grateful for that since I find it so precious for Elena & I so would love to here more! All of the topics you mentioned are ones & can't wait to hear from you about & learn from you.

I don't know about all toddlers but mine is definitely interested in trucks, buses, heavy machinery, trains, planes...:)

Anonymous said...

Those are all great topics, but I'm most interested in how you can cosleep peacefully. Tatoe literally cannot sleep unless one of us holds his flailing limbs still for him, so we're still cosleeping but definitely not happily.